Post-operative non-verbal communication

Jonnie looked up at his mummy. She looked so concerned as she sat by his bed in ITU. The tube in his mouth stopped him talking.

Jonnie felt rotten. And mummy looked so sad and tired. Mummy put her head down to the same height as Jennie’s pillow on the bed.

Darling Boy, how are you today? Mummy asked. She flicked through the cards and Jonnie moved a finger to indicate the word.

Thank Goodness she thought that she had gotten the cards and thank goodness Jonnie was so much better at spelling now than he used to be when he was younger.

Jonnie pointed again at the card he felt was closest to how he felt to emphasise the point to Mummy. Mummy nodded and stroked his hair and assured him it wouldn’t always be like this and she would do her best to help him get better.

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